Improve a graph
Choose a graph to improve, and reproduce/improve it in R or Tableau. Please upload one document that contains the original graph, your improvement, and some explanation of what you improved. Suggestions of graphs to improve:
- Most things from Statista could be better. Either download the data or just use manual data entry.
- If we were doing a Copy the Masters assignment this semester, you’d be using FiveThirtyEight. Most of these are graphics where you’ll need their dataset, from GitHub. Some easier ones from there include:
- Pulitzer prizes don’t lure readers from Do Pulitzers Help Newspapers Keep Readers?
- More players transfer to the U.S. than to any other country from American Chess Is Great Again
- What do health inspectors care about? from How Data Made Me A Believer In New York City’s Restaurant Grades
- Most common first names from Dear Mona, What’s The Most Common Name In America?
- The 2020 election matters to most voters from Why Many Americans Don’t Vote
- Pick a graphic from a Data Dialogue. The easiest things to do without the data in front of you are barcharts and piecharts. A couple ideas:
- The barcharts in this guide to bad and misleading data visualization examples
- Sunbelt housing trends barchart
- A couple more ideas I had in my pocket
The Hennepin County revenue sheet mailed to homeowners. (I looked online and couldn’t find a digital version, but this page on assessment is full of PDFs with piecharts that could be redesigned.)