Syllabus review


Choose a syllabus (or two!) to examine. Read through the syllabus, making a note of anything that stands out to you, any questions you have.

  • How did the instructor balance data literacy content, technical details, and disciplinary content? Is this balance the same as you want to achieve, or different?

  • Are there objectives in the course that align with the data literacy competencies from the Tulane libguide? Those were:

    • Databases and Data Formats

    • Discovery and Acquisition of Data

    • Data Management and Organization

    • Data Conversion and Interoperability

    • Quality Assurance

    • Metadata

    • Data Curation and Reuse

    • Data Preservation

    • Data Analytics

    • Data Visualization

    • Ethics

  • Are there elements of the course you could/should emulate? For example

    • Policies

    • Order of topics

    • Pacing of material

    • Number of assignments, mixture of high- and low-stakes assignments

    • Readings– number of readings, mixture of academic and popular audience work, specific reading assignments

  • Not all syllabi include details of assignments. If the one(s) you are examining do, consider whether there elements of those you could/should emulate.

Syllabi to review

Here are a few suggested sample syllabi to examine, from least to most technical (“do humanities students need to know how to code?”):

If none of those speak to you, here are a few more places to look for syllabi:

You can also feel free to pull examples from your own syllabi! We have a wealth of knowledge in this room, let’s leverage it.