
Time Topic
9:00 Breakfast, warm-up (what data analysis tools have you used?)
9:15 Presentation: tidy data.
9:45 Activity: unpacking headlines.
10:15 Demo: data analysis basics. Example tool: Excel online.
10:45 Break
11:00 Presentation: text as data. Demo: Voyant Tools.
11:45 Discussion: most relevant data/wrangling/analysis
noon Lunch
12:45 Activity: analyze data using Excel online or Voyant Tools.
1:15 Share out and discussion
1:30 Presentation: algorithmic accountability.
2:00 Break
2:15 Discussion: data/digital ethics in disciplines. How can this be integrated into courses?
2:45 Activity: work on ethics integration into existing course. Look at sample syllabi for ideas.


Tidy data

Text data

Data ethics



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